Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Runescape Bot Nuke - Thoughts

As everyone has heard, the Bot Nuke took place on Runescape about two weeks ago. Now is a good time to look back and reflect upon what has really changed in-game, both for you as a player, and for us as a Runescape Gold Seller.

Right off the bat, the Bot Nuke update made nearly all bots obsolete. I won't get into too much technical jargon, but Jagex was targeting the new intelligent bots (known as reflection + injection bots). These bots were able to analyze their surroundings and adjust accordingly. They were "smart", and that made them near-impossible to detect.

Jagex decided to go directly to the bot creators themselves for a solution, and this is where the breakthrough came. For those who follow RSBuddy, you will be quite aware that the lead developer and founder "Jacmob" basically spilled all the beans to Jagex. He left his third party company for a position at Jagex itself, and with it he brought his knowledge on bots and how to stop them. This seemed to be the tipping point in the battle, and with his first-hand experience on RS macroing, he was able to help Jagex actually put a stop to 99% of the working bots online.

Because this was so effective, the Runescape landscape changed almost instantly. Auto-talkers disappeared from their usual perches around the RS world. Yew trees and Essence mines were suddenly free of clones chopping away endlessly. Runescape was back. And it showed us how bad the problem really was.

Autotalkers in Runescape

Before the botting update, the average population online in Runescape was a conservative 150,000. Today, that number is now lingering around 50,000. From this we get the picture... Nearly 2/3 of the players online (or 100,000 players) in Runescape were bots. That statistic is staggering. Now let's assume out of these 100,000 botters, that 50% of them are Gold Farming at a rate of 200K per hour. That is equivalent to 10 Billion Gold entering the economy every hour, 240 Billion PER DAY!

As a result, we have seen an increase in the wholesale price of RS Gold. China market price has gone up 30% since the announcement. Most gold sites are having trouble just keeping up with demand. We've had to up our rates a bit, although we have made sure to keep them under the market average. Our rates increased about 15%.

All in all, buying Runescape gold right now seems like a great idea. Your purchase is steadily increasing in value, and we are happy to buy your RS Gold back later on at great rates. Check us out, and see why we are labeled as the #1 Runescape Gold Seller.

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